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Dungeons and Dragons Club

PHS D&D Club.

Meets Fridays, all school year. 2:15-5pm, in the lobby of Palmer High School.

The PHS D&D Club is open to ALL high school aged kids in the Valley. Homeschoolers Welcome.


Requirements for Members to be in “good standing”.

·       Yearly Club paperwork, turned into office. (Paperwork available at SRO Office)

·       $20 yearly dues paid to front office.

·       Join Google Classroom code: p3s2env

Members in the D&D Club receive a set of dice, a t-shirt, and qualification to go on the class trip in late April. Members are also expected to help with Nerd Con AK. Nerd Con AK is the primary fundraising event for the Club. It is held at PHS the first Saturday in April each year. Proceeds go directly to offsetting the cost of the class trip.

The PHS D&D Club also has leadership opportunities for members. The Club elects the following Officer positions each year.

·       President

·       Vice President

·       Treasurer

·       Secretary

·       Librarian

·       Quartermaster

·       Court Jester

First page of the PDF file: PHSDDClubBylaws_1