Ice Fishing club
Google Classroom Code: elf2g3j
T-Shirt Sizes:
We are working on getting everyone on the PHS Ice Fishing Team a t-shirt for their participation.
Go to the team Google Classroom and input your shirt size on the spreadsheet.
Team Names:
On the Google Classroom, there is a spreadsheet with all team names and members. If your name
is not on the list, be sure to let Mr. Niekamp know so he can get your name and team on the list
(teams of two).
Club Meetings January in School:
● January 14th 2:20 - 3:00: Fishing gear collection and organization. Lesson on rigging up
a pole for fishing. Snacks and drinks will be provided by Mr. Niekamp.
● January 21st 2:20 - 3:00: Preparation for first tournament day (Jan 25th). Review
tournament rules, lake depths, areas to fish, what kind of baits to use, and go over the
plan for the day. Continue any gear prep as needed.
● January 28th (2:20 - 2:45): Tournament day results, general discussion, tell some fishing
stories, snacks and drinks will be provided.
Tournament Days 10:00 am - 2:00 pm (weather permitting):
● January 25th - Matanuska Lake
● February 8th - Finger Lake
● February 22nd - Big Lake
State Tournament TBD February 28th or March 1st on Big Lake