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Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) Projects

Creativity Activity Service

While academics are a large part of the IB curriculum, the program's holistic approach also encourages students to develop balanced and engaged lives outside of the classroom. IB students participate in sports, clubs, student government, and extra-curricular service organizations, often taking on leadership positions in the process. 

As part of the full IB Diploma, students explore new areas of growth, set personal goals, and learn to apply their knowledge outside the classroom to engage and impact their community. Students document and reflect on these Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) activities throughout their junior and senior year. Before graduation, students also undertake a CAS project of their own design. There is a lot of freedom in how these projects develop and the form they can take. Typically, it involves identifying a need or area of interest, creating an action plan that can be individual or collaborative in nature, and executing that plan. In the 2022-2023 school year CAS projects included:

  • Organizing and hosting a "soup night" fundraiser that resulted in $2,500 being raised for the local food bank
  • Building raised flower beds for school beautification
  • Developing a plan for peer tutoring at the high school to address post-pandemic learning gaps
  • Coaching junior Nordic skiers
  • Designing and painting a mural

While these projects are designed by IB Diploma candidates, they often rely upon the involvement of community members and non-diploma students volunteering. Thank you to everyone who helped make these CAS projects a success!

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The CAS subject brief can be accessed here.
For more information, you can also contact our CAS coordinator, Evan Kopperud, at