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About the Library


Phone: 907-746-8437

Qualifications: B.A English with emphasis in Writing B.S Secondary Education M.S. Education Graduate Certificate: Education Leadership RYT 200: Yoga Teacher

Mr. Russell Clark


Ask the Librarian

Do you have a question? Ask Russell Clark, the Palmer High School Librarian.  He believes there is no such thing as a bad question.  He might not have all the answers, he might not be able to solve all of the problems; but he promises he will try!  

Russell Clark is available to help create learning opportunities and connections utilizing the resources found in the library.  The librarian supports the school's mission: to prepare life-long learners, community assets, and citizens of integrity. Our flexible library schedule and activities promote collaborative teaching and research instruction to foster and strengthen individual student achievement.


The Palmer High School Library program strives for academic excellence and social equity by being developmentally responsive.  We provide support and resources to co-create a world-class experience for students, teachers, and the community. We emphasize socio-emotional well-being to promote healthy citizens, enabling students to develop skills to be successful in college and the workforce. The Library at Palmer High School is where most forms of inquiry begin, but not where it ends for our life-long learners.

Core Library Values

We believe in the science of reading. We believe that reading changes the brain. We believe that reading is an everyday challenge for those with low literacy skills. We believe that reading print is still an essential skill. We believe that all students can be guided to enjoy reading.  We believe that reading for all matters!


Our facility, including print and computer resources, can easily accommodate two to three classes and several independent students or small groups simultaneously.  The facility is available for teachers, students, and the community.

Library Goals 

Socio- Emotional Health

[click on the link above for more exciting information]

In partnership with outside organizations and colleagues, the Library will create a physical and digital space for students to feel at ease and connect with local health and wellness  resources. We emphasize socio-emotional well-being to promote healthy citizens, enabling students to develop skills to be successful in college and the workforce. This effort will be renewed annually.




Do you have an idea on how to make the library world class?  Talk to the Librarian, he wants to partner with you to co-create a better world-class library for all.

"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library. " —Jorge Luis Borges