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Health and Wellness




The Calm Corner in the Palmer High School Library

“HECK YEAH!” shouts an excited student when entering a corner of the library transformed-emptied of computers and tables replaced with new carpet, fake plants, floor pillows, coffee table littered with toys, and soft lighting from the new floor lamp. 

The students are grateful for the efforts and donations from Knik Tribal Council  and Onward and Upward.  Their investment of time and money  directly affects the students who visit the library. By just adding a few pillows, students have now gathered sometimes 30+ strong on the floor in a room that used to be packed at a dozen.

Director of Operations Amanda Montavon shares the vision for this health and wellness niche in our library: “We want the students to know that their community cares about them. Students who feel like they matter to the community are less likely to feel alone, consider suicide and use controlled substances.”    Amanda Montavon is adamant about fostering community partnerships. She states, “In a recent youth survey conducted by Youth 360 17% of students stated they don’t feel like they matter to their community.   An additional 36% responded that they weren’t sure if they mattered to the community. We can provide students with access to community resources.  It’s important to let students know that they matter and that there are organizations in our community dedicated to building youth assets; supporting them in the development of wellness in their lives. “

Palmer High cares about its students.  The generous donation by  Knik Tribal Council and Onward and Upwards  commitment to the youth of Alaska is appreciated.

The long term vision of the librarian is to attract more community partners to this project.  We are looking for folks  who can provide donations, money, or services to students.This is our vision for the library's Calm Corner;  for now it is just a corner, with some pillows, low lighting, a rug, and some amazing partners!

If you are interested in being a part of this school and community collaborative project contact  Palmer High School Librarian @ .


Community Resources

[click on the following logos to learn about community resources available to young people] 

onward and upward



Thrive Matsu

